FREQUENTLY REFERENCED BOROUGH ORDINANCES ORD 241: Illegal Parking ORD 302: Curfew ORD 335: Owner Responsibilities - Sidewalks, Curbs, Driveways ORD 344: Skateboards ORD 378: Keeping and Maintaining of Animals ORD 379: Parking Certain Vehicles November Through March ORD 380: Fence Around Pools ORD 407: Seasonal Pool ORD 408: Defines Pool Structure as a Barrier ORD 394: Noise ORD 404: PA Uniform Construction code as new Building Code of the Borough of Leesport ORD 489: Building Code Amendment ORD 409: Recreational Vehicles ORD 411: Burning Restrictions ORD 413: Sheds ORD 425: Shed Side Yard Requirements ORD 459: Property Matintenance ORD 461: Medical Marijuana ORD 462: Wireless Communications Standards ORD 496:Amendment to Leesport Zoning Ordinance ORD 476: Washington Street Parking ORD 478: Soliciting License ORD 480: Prohibition of Grass, Leaves and Other Yard Waste in Streets ORD 481: Parking Restrictions ORD 485: Leesport Presettlement Inspections Ordinance ORD 485:Application for Use and Occupancy Permit Per ORD 485 (rev 10/31/2023) ORD 486: Stormwater Management Ordinance ORD 487:Fixing Tax Rate for 2024 ORD 488: Fire Company Recovery Costs of Materials ORD 490: Amendment to ORD 365 Traffic Regulations ORD 491:Amendment to ORD 470 Adding Poultry to Ordinance (CHICKEN APPLICATION ) ORD 492:Amendment to ORD 350 Trash and Recycling ORD 493: Amendment to ORD 355 Storage and Handling of Recyclables ORD 494: Amendment to ORD 411 to Amend Definitions of Yard Waste ORD 495: Tax Rate for 2025